Michael A. Peters , Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, is Distinguished Professor of Education, Beijing Normal University, P.R. China and Emeritus Professor, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (USA). He was awarded honorary doctorates by State University of New York (SUNY) in 2012 and Aalborg University, Denmark in 2015. He held a personal chair at University of Auckland and professorships at Universities of Glasgow and Waikato. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Educational Philosophy and Theory and founding editor of several other journals. He has authored over 120 books in education and philosophy. |
Marek Tesar , Associate Professor and Associate Dean International at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, is Editor-in-Chief of Policy Futures in Education (SAGE), Deputy Editor of Educational Philosophy and Theory. He is engaged in editorial capacities with a number of international journals and is co-editor of 3 book series. His research is focused on philosophical methods, childhood studies and early childhood education. |
Tina Besley is Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University, P.R. China. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, fellow of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, and The Association for Visual Pedagogies; deputy editor of Educational Philosophy and Theory, and the Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy. She is PESA Past President and Founding/ Past President of the Association for Visual Pedagogies. |
Sonja Arndt is a lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne. Her focus is on philosophies of the subject and cultural Otherness in the early years and higher education, and promoting the use and importance of philosophy in/of education in educational settings and research. She is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Policy Futures in Education and the Vice President of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA). |
Liz Jackson is Professor of International Education at the Education University of Hong Kong. She is President of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, and former Director of the Comparative Education Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. Her research interests are in philosophy of education and global studies of education with a focus on cross-cultural, multicultural, and moral and civic education. |
Sean Sturm is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland, New Zealand coordinates its Higher Education programme. He is Book Reviews Editor for Educational Philosophy and Theory, Editor of Knowledge Cultures and Treasurer for the Association for Visual Pedagogies. He researches at the intersection of philosophy of education, critical university studies and settler studies. |
Nina Hood is Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Auckland, New Zealand focuses on the philosophy and practice of knowledge mobilisation in education and the role and purpose of the practical knowledge of teachers, and open, online learning in higher education. She founded The Education Hub, a not-for-profit that bridges the gap between research and practice in education. She was Editor for Vol 40, 2020, Access: Contemporary Issues in Education. |
Andrew Madjar was a primary school teacher for ten years and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Auckland, exploring moral uncertainty in the lives of teachers. He is Secretary of PESA Executive and is Editorial Administrator for Access: Contemporary Issues in Education. His research uses hermeneutic and phenomenological philosophy to develop understandings of pedagogy and practice that are grounded in lived experience. |
Jayne White is Professor Early Childhood Education, University of Canterbury, New Zealand; and concurrently holds a Professor II position at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in the Kindknow Knowledge Centre. She is President of Association for Visual Pedagogies, Editor-in-Chief of Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy and fellow of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Jayne has published widely, edits two book series and serves on editorial boards across several journals. |
Petar Jandrić is Professor at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia, and Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. Petar’s research interests are the post-disciplinary intersections between technologies, pedagogies and the society, and research methodologies of his choice are inter-, trans-, and anti-disciplinarity. He is Editor-in-Chief of Postdigital Science and Education journal and book series. |
Rachel Buchanan is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Newcastle, Australia. She teaches educational foundations, and has published in the areas of educational philosophy, pedagogy, technology, policy and politics. Her research area is equity in education with a focus on the use of educational technology and how this impacts the practice, education and identities of educators and students. She is Executive Editor of E- Learning and Digital Media and is PESA Treasurer. |
George Lazaroiu is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, New York, and an associate professor in communication sciences at Spiru Haret University, Bucharest. He is a publishing executive editor at Addleton Academic Publishers, New York. His books is Consulting Editor (Strategy) for Educational Philosophy and Theory. |
Georgina Tuari Stewart Ko Whakarārā te maunga, ko Matauri te moana, ko Te Tāpui te marae, ko Ngāti Kura te hapū, ko Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu te iwi. Associate Professor, Te Kura Mātauranga School of Education, Auckland University of Technology. Associate Editor of JRSNZ – Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand and EPAT – Educational Philosophy and Theory. Co-Editor of NZJES New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies Te Hautaka Mātai Mātauranga o Aotearoa. Georgina researches topics in Māori philosophies and Māori-Pākehā relations in education using Kaupapa Māori, feminist, and poststructuralist methodologies. |
Leon Benade is Associate Professor in the School of Education Te Kura Mātauranga, of Auckland University of Technology. He is co-editor of the New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies and the New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work and a consulting reviewer for several international journals. Currently Leon’s research focuses on the discourse of ‘21st-century learning’, and the development of new pedagogical approaches, digital use, and flexible and innovative learning environments (‘ILE’). |
Susanne Brighouse has a MA in Education from Auckland University, 1999. She taught mathematics and science at secondary level for many years and has been the Managing Editor for Educational Philosophy and Theory since 2005. |
Laura D’Olimpio is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy of Education at the University of Birmingham, UK and co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of Philosophy in Schools. Her first book, Media and Moral Education: a philosophy of critical engagement (Routledge, 2018) won the 2018 Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia’s annual book prize. Follow her on Twitter @Lauradol4. |
Hejia Wang, Beijing Normal University, P.R. China, is Editorial Assistant for Beijing International Review of Education. Follow BIRE on Facebook. |
Ruth Irwin is Adjunct Professor in College of Design and Social Context, School of Education, RMIT Melbourne. Her interests include climate change, social transition, philosophy of technology, economics, new materialism, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Deleuze and Guattari, feminist philosophy, and indigenous philosophy. She co-leads the EDG with Sonja Arndt & Carl Mika. Recent paper is Climate Change & Education (EPAT, 2020) ruth.irwin@rmit.edu.au |