Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation

Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation (est 2019-20).  The field of innovation studies is very recent. This encyclopedia offers an up to date account of the way that educational practise at all levels are being deeply impacted and changed by innovation. It provides entries covering details and insights into the economics, sociology, management and psychology of education and also how education is affected by philosophy, history, web science and Internet Studies. It embraces new fields like collective intelligence, social media and network analysis, artificial intelligence, automation and deep learning. It has become one of the most dominant discourses of the knowledge economy also referred to as the ‘innovative economy.’ On this economic model, innovation is a source of ongoing productivity and growth. It is a model that favours education at all levels as the policy mothership that increasingly guides a new cultural and sharing economics in its social and open dimensions as a means of developing platforms for openness, creativity and innovation. This new model of open and social innovation is a very different notion to the standard economic view, bringing to the fore the ethics of collaboration in the service of co-creation, peer- and co-production that is more suited to the digital age of social media. It is a model that has the power to radically transform education in the near future as educational institutions become less like factories in the industrial age and more like a Google workplace in the knowledge age.